HB 5784 – Buildings owned or leased by the State of Michigan would be added to the prohibited places set forth in MCL 28.425o.HB 5433 – Houses of worship would be removed from the other prohibited places (thus allowing the carry of a concealed handgun) set forth in MCL 28.425o.Other Proposed Amendments to Existing Concealed Carry Laws Include: HB 6135 – The validity of pistol training or safety program certificates of completion expiring during a declared state of emergency would be extended for a period equal to the total number of days of the declared state of emergency.HB 5866 – County clerks would be required to issue temporary CPL(s) during declared states of emergency if permits were not being processed as a result, provided a person has completed the required pistol training course, applied for the license, and paid the fee, good for up to 90 days.HB 5706 – Firearms could not be seized nor may their purchase or the purchase of ammunition be banned during declared states of emergency.SB 1219 – County clerks are still required to issue CPLs, and county clerks and law enforcement agencies are still required to provide fingerprint services, during declared local states of emergency.SB 859 – Guns could not be confiscated, nor their purchase banned.Here is a quick summary of the various proposed limitations of the Governor’s emergency powers: Instead, much of the legislative activity involving firearms in 2020 was in direct response to the Governor’s continued and unchecked declaration of a State of Emergency and her use of executive orders during this declaration. No new gun laws were signed into law by Governor Whitmer in 2020. 2020 Legislative Activity for Firearms in Michigan However, please keep in mind that all the bills and resolutions listed below are currently proposals and not law. Here is a preview of some bills and issues that have been filed and raised (so far) that are noteworthy.

You may have seen discussions about bills that could affect your gun and self-defense rights. Each new year means law-abiding gun owners in Michigan need to be on the lookout for the latest assault on the Second Amendment.