Back Throw - Lemmy Stomp (Peach will slide Lemmy backwards and stomps on him).Forward Throw- Hammer Bro Swing (Hammer Bro will swing his hammer to the opponent).Pummel - Cat Scratch (Peach temporally puts on the cat suit and scratches the opponent).D-Air - Waddlewing Dive (Waddlewing will fly downwards while Peach rides on him).U-Air - Magikoopa Swing (The Magikoopa will swing his wand upwards).B-Air - Iggy Craze (Peach will swing Iggy backwards like a spinning object but not actually throwing him).F-Air - Cat Goomba Scratch (The Cat Goomba will scratch forward).N-Air - Peach Spin (Peach will spin in a circle).

You can cancel out of it with any aerial of your choosing, though you won't recover the 4 jumps until you land again to prevent exploits. The Goomba sprouts wings and flies upward, giving him an additional 4 "jumps" in midair, similar to that of Kirby's. This attack is a meteor effect, and it also has a classic stomp sound on hit. Goomba flips himself down and towards the ground. It thrusts the Goomba itself up slightly. It has two hitboxes, within the boot and the dust at the end, which shocks for some reason. Goomba grants itself a shoe and stomps the ground. This has impressive range, making it a potent anti-air tool from the ground. Goomba dons a spiked hat as seen in Paper Mario, and thrusts his head upward. Goomba dons a spiked hat as seen in Paper Mario, and thrusts his head forward. Has nice kill power but pretty stuffy range and lacks the ability to cancel the attack. Goomba attempts to drop kick the opponent. No matter where you go, the chances are you'll find this critter in one way or another. The Goomba has been a very prolific enemy with many subspecies, variations and even playable appearances, their most recent of which was Super Mario Party. In some games, like Super Mario Galaxy, the Goomba will briefly hop and run towards Mario's position, locking onto him for a short time. series, being a small, brown mushrrom creature that waddles aimlessly in the hopes it will bump into Mario.

The Goomba is a common enemy in the Super Mario Bros.